Each week, I lead a Sunday School class for ages 14 and up. Our topic is that week’s lectionary reading as found in the Revised Common Lectionary (RCL). We started our class back in August of 2017 with the goal of orienting ourselves to the readings in preparation for the worship service which follows.
I began writing and circulating the notes from lessons when either some class members or I might miss class. The emails seemed to be well-received. I also found that there are very few resources available that present the information that I was gathering together each week, and I thought it would be useful to make the lessons more widely available. At any rate, they would be a good resource for me if I get to teach these lessons again!
I am not a theologian or a pastor, and I’ve never been to seminary. I’m merely an interested layperson who loves the Bible and wants to help others understand it better, too. I pray what you find here is helpful and points you to Jesus.
I won’t link and cite references exhaustively in my lectionary posts, but know that common sources for me to use are:
The Revised Common Lectionary as published by Vanderbilt School of Theology
Various study Bibles (this one is my favorite)
Bible commentaries I have on my bookshelf
Luther’s Concordia
Assorted websites, most often Working Preacher
I’m grateful that you have found my little blog. Comments are welcome, and please, if you find a factual error, please let me know! But I am not interested in debating points of theology or the mere existence of God. As such, I’ll be moderating comments. Thank you for understanding.