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Whole30, Day Nine. Meh.


The picture has nothing to do with anything. I just liked it. I was shooting today while the girls took a ride and the sun made his appearance.

We are on hump-day of Bill’s nine day trip to Shanghai. We haven’t had bread in nine days. We are over it.

That’s not completely true. Let’s take a moment to talk about breakfast. My boys are sometime breakfast eaters at home, and the girls don’t touch it on the weekdays. (Weekends are pancake days for them.) But they love to stop at Chick-Fil-A and Dunkin’ Donuts on their way to school with their dad. Obviously those stops aren’t Whole30-compliant, so breakfast has become more of a real meal for all of the kids at home. And they are loving it.

We have finally settled on breakfast hash as our dish of choice. The girls stop at meat cooked with some potatoes and onion, while the boys like an egg scrambled in and run under the broiler. (I agree with the boys.) The meat might be anything leftover, although I do have cooked ground beef in the freezer if we need it. I’ve also got roasted potatoes at the ready in the fridge. And I can throw in whatever leftover veggies sound appealing, typically zucchini or broccoli. I had green beans in mine this morning and it was surprisingly delicious. Honestly, there is nothing that feels “diet” about this meal, just healthy.

The kids took the leftover soup from last night for their lunches (all four! that never happens). The girls are spending the night out tonight and the boys are wrestling tomorrow, so for once eating was not an issue here. Matthew and Jack both ate light, with an eye toward weigh-ins tomorrow, and I had the last of the vegetable soup with some leftover pork. We are all exhausted so it is just as well.

Early morning wake-up tomorrow. Have a great day!